Dec 04, 2016 | Jason Mederios | 946 views
Off to Michigan they go!
The Novice Rep Flames made it 3 tournaments in a row winning the Northumberland Regional Silver Stick this weekend. Earning the team a trip to the International Silver Stick January 20th-22nd in St Clair Shores Michigan.
The boys started the weekend off with two big wins over Gananoque and RWC Friday. The Flames moved the puck well and frustrated two very good teams allowing just 1 goal in the first two games. Their play even had opposing coaches talking about how well they work together. After that it was off to the cottages for the team, allowing the boys a chance to hang out and burn off whatever energy was left (lots!).
Saturday started with a lovely and oh so welcome rendition of feel the heat at their coaches door. It was great to see the boys all together happy and eager 4 times in 20 minutes to start they day. After a good long morning of play and running around the kids had a game to get ready for. Their last round robin game was against the host Northumberland team. The Flames again showed that this weekend they meant business and would not be denied their chance to win another tournament and top seed in their division handing the hosts a loss.
Playoff Sunday a time that this team seems to truly enjoy and rise to the occasion for. The flames made Petawawa feel the heat early and often which was nice in a very cold memorial arena. The team ran into some penalty trouble but they managed to weather the storm with hard work and some timely goaltending on their way to a 7-0 win. Sending a message to their opponents in the final that they better bring their best to beat this hungry group.
The Renfrew Timberwolves got the message and came at the flames but this group would not be denied. They again worked hard and worked together keeping their feet moving and the passes coming. Their Captain led the charge being named the games MVP in a hard fought 3-0 win over a strong Renfrew team.
Come out to the NDCC this Thursday before the Ayr Centennials game as the boys will be dropping the puck and having their banner raised for all to see.
We would like to take a minute to thank all of the parents for the group of boys they have raised and their continous support of the message the coaches try to get across. We also thank you for all the extra effort you put in around the rink, on the ice and on the bench when called upon. We couldnt have the success we have had without you. Your boys amaze us every day with their skill, hardwork and dedication to the message of teamwork. They are truly amazing and we are very lucky to be able to coach them.
Thank you!