Feb 22, 2015 | Mike Pley | 1349 views
Ayr Flames Midget Rep move into OMHA Playdowns SemiFinals
The Ayr squad commences the Midget B Playdowns SemiFinals against highly ranked Petrolia Oilers on Saturday, February 8th at home in the NDCC. Ayr eliminated the pesky Ingersoll Express in the QuarterFinals in 3 straight games to qualify for the next series. Petrolia eliminated the Mt. Brydges Cougars in 3 straight games in their QuarterFinal series.
The teams have played each other twice during the Silver Stick North American Finals in Forest. Petrolia took the opening game of the round robin 4-3 after 10 minutes of overtime and 9 rounds of shootout. Ayr took the semifinal game of the tournament by a score of 1-0 over Petrolia, before winning the tournament final. With scores like that, it looks like the upcoming series will be an exciting one.