Sep 25, 2022 | Andrew Neves | 491 views
Final Tryout
Hey U9 Families,
I just wanted to give an update on the Tryouts and where we go from here!
To start I just want to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility, I know this has been a new experience for some families and obviously for the players but I think it has gone well. I wanted to give you a little insight of how things have gone so far. We have had a number of player evaluators watching tryouts that have been grading the players on various hockey skills. The evaluators do not have any info on any player other than the bib number they are wearing. These evaluation sheet are than used to help me select a final roster based on how the players performed and were graded in the various skills.
So far all the players have done a great job in tryouts and are making things very difficult on the evaluators and myself. I expect them to continue that momentum going into our final Tryout on Tuesday. That being said I think it is very important that everyone is present for the last tryout.
After tryouts on Tuesday I would ask that the players stay behind and meet in the lobby. I will be setting up a table in the hallway of the banquet hall. There I will bring each player in from the lobby and let them know if they have made the final roster or not. Each player will be given a either a "Rep B Guides/Expectations" or "AP Guides/Expectations" form that I would ask to be signed by both players and parents. After you can use the exit door at the end of that hallway to exit the arena (I would ask that the players do not go back out the lobby way). Parents if you wish to take part in those meetings you are welcome to do so, however I would ask that the 24 hour rule is to be respected and any concerns be held until than.
I look forward to starting our regular season!
Thanks again,
Coach Andrew