Dec 16, 2016 | Melissa Dietrich | 1414 views
Christmas Party
Christmas Party - PIZZA & CENS!
Thursday, December 22nd @ 6:30pm
NDCC - upstairs room
The kids will get a chance to go down to the Cens room to meet the players before the game.
Dinner - we will be ordering pizza, as covered in our budget. We just need each family to bring something small to go with it - cookies, veggie tray, case of water, juice boxes, etc. Let me know what you will be bringing so we don't have duplicates.
Please let me know if you will be attending or not!
Family Skate - Friday, December 23rd
6pm @ ACC
We are replacing our practice with a family skate instead!Everyone who comes on the ice must have skates and a helmet, as per AMHA rules.