Sep 20, 2015 | Kevin Robson | 1244 views
Tryout Update
Thanks once again for the hard work that was seen today at the evaluations. My evaluaters and I had some tough decisions to make.For the players that did not make it we encourage you to attend the local league evaluations on Saturday September 26th
We would like the following. players to come out tonight for the game at 8pm in Ingersoll. Please be there for 7:15 pm
Kinnon Oakley
Brenden Smith
Owen McIllravey
Jakob Dugal
James Prange-Groulx
Tyler St.Louis
Josh Charron
Ben Cotter
Rowan Generoux
Sebastian DeSousa
Liam Hanson
Daniel Culp
Ryan Verbakel
Noah Graham
Cameron Korte
Hunter Rickert
Keitan Duffy