Sep 08, 2013 | Jay Purdon | 1988 views
I want to take a moment and thank everyone who came out and skated for the Bantam rep team. I feel that all of you tried your best and made the decision for me difficult. To those of you who did not make this cut, I wish you well and encourage you all to work hard and make the decision just as hard for the AE coach.
If your name appears on the list on the Tryout Player List tab on the left of the page, please continue on with the Rep selection process on Wednesday September 11 from 8 - 9:30pm at the NDCC. If your name does not appear on the list please attend the 1st Bantam AE tryout on Saturday September 14 at 9 a.m. as your next ice time.
Thanks and best of luck to all for an enjoyable and successful 2013/14 season.
Jay Purdon