Welcome Back U18 Skaters, News (Ayr Flames)

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Sep 14, 2024 | Rochelle Schumacher | 394 views
Welcome Back U18 Skaters
Welcome Back U18 Skaters

As we prepare for the upcoming hockey season, we wanted to take a moment to welcome back our U18 skaters.
There are many things happening in the background right now.

The Directors and Convenors are working together to get coaches, trainers, Volunteers for their divisions.

Please do not worry if you haven't heard from your coach - our goal is to have all teams created by the end September.

Please check the AMHA schedule for your U18 skaters. Open skates start Monday night (Sept 16) all skaters are welcome. Rep B tryouts start September 20th. Local League evaluations have been posted.

Rep Convenor - Shirley Cronkite, [email protected]

Local League Convenor- Chris Dietrich , [email protected]

VP of Hockey Operations- Amy Reinhart , [email protected]
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