A Message from the President, News (Ayr Flames)

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May 29, 2024 | Rochelle Schumacher | 552 views
A Message from the President
President Update

First and foremost I would like to thank everyone that took time from their busy schedules to attend our AGM on Monday night. I would also like to extend my appreciation to our outgoing board members who have served in various positions over the past few years.
As we enter a new year, I would like to introduce the new board for the 2024-25 hockey season. Our new board is composed of members who have stepped up to donate their time to ensure that the AMHA is a strong and competitive association for the year to come. While this group works together, they will keep the core values and best interests of all AMHA members at the forefront.
One last thing to note is the Director of Player Development position is vacant and if anyone would like to express interest in the position please email [email protected].
VP Administration-Chris Coleman
VP Hockey Operations-Amy Reinhart
Secretary-Heather Raby
Treasurer-Melissa Edgar
Director of Registration-Becky Zulkosky
Ice Scheduler-Kevin Miller
Director of Communication/Webmaster-Rochelle Schumacher
Rep Convenor-Shirley Cronkite
LL Convenor-Chris Dietrich
U9 Convenor-Ashley Borden
Director of Tournament-Mike Thibeau
Director at Large (Clinics)-Kristin Willis
Director of Sponsorship-Alicia Snell
Director of Conflict Resolution-Candice Markus
Director of Equipment- Derek Penner
Player Development-Vacant
Joshua Yost
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