Hockey Programming Update, News (Ayr Flames)

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Sep 12, 2023 | Rochelle Schumacher | 660 views
Hockey Programming Update
Hockey Programming Update

Hello Hockey Families!  We are now into our second week of the season and following our monthly board meeting last evening I wanted to update everyone on a few important topics.
  • Tryouts for the rep teams in the U11, U13 and U15 divisions have begun and will be completed this coming weekend
  • U18 tryouts will  begin Monday September 18 and will be completed by September 24th.
  • U16 tryouts continue and will be completed by September 24th
  • U7 (IP program JR and SR), U8 and U9 have had their first ice times 
  • U7 Hockey Fundamentals will begin their weekly program in October after Thanksgiving.
  • Watch the calendar for Local League ice times beginning later in September.
  • With the shortage of ice availability in Ayr our scheduler is working hard to get everyone on the ice as soon as possible.  Check in on the website regularly for updated schedule information.
NEW!!--C Teams at U11 and U13
  • At the most recent Southern Counties League meeting it was determined by the league that there was enough interest in a C division at the U11 and U13 age level to support a separate division for these teams this season.
  • In light of this new information the board discussed the issue and Ayr Minor Hockey has decided to offer C division teams at the U11 and U13 age levels.
  • Skates and tryouts for these C teams will begin next week following the completion of the U11 and U13 rep tryouts.
Monday Night Player Development
  • As mentioned in earlier communication Ayr Minor Hockey is pleased to be offering an innovative approach to player development this season.
  • Optional sessions will be held over the course of 5 hours on Monday nights at the ACC for players U8-U18 
  • There will be 4 hours of player development and 1 hour of goalie development for two, ten week sessions this season.  
  • The first session will begin the first Monday after Thanksgiving and the second session will begin early in the New Year
  • Players will be grouped with other players of like skill-sets as much as possible 
  • Registration will open in late September through the Ayr Minor Hockey Website and Registration portal.  
  • Registrations will be open until all of the spots are full.  
  • We will have room for 120 skaters in the sessions and all Ayr Minor Hockey Goaltenders in the goaltender sessions.
  • Cost will be $200 for 10 weeks for the first session
  • Watch the website for Registration opening date and time! 
Amalgamation Discussions
  • Discussions with Burford Minor Hockey, Paris Minor Hockey and St. George Minor Hockey continue 
  • Information has been posted to the Ayr Minor Hockey Website for review by our membership
  • It is an opportunity to offer Hockey Programing at a higher level within our community while maintaining the established Ayr Minor Hockey Brand for our fundamentals, player development and Local League programming
  • More information will be shared at team meetings this fall and an open information session will be held in mid October followed by a special meeting of the membership in late October or early November.
Your board of directors are excited for the season ahead!  Please reach out to any board member should you have questions.