Dec 03, 2014 | Brielle Dugal | 2367 views
Novice Atom Tournament 2015
Ayr Hockey Challenge
March 14-15, 2014
Entry Deadline – January 31, 2014
LL/HL Teams Only (Division B-E)
Tournament Format:
Novice & Atom Divisions
MVP for each team in each game played to be chosen by coaches.
**Everyone Guaranteed a min. of 3 Games with possibility of 5 Games including Semi- Finals and Finals**
$750.00 per team NO gate fee (1 Lunch Provided for players)
Tournament Convenor:
Jon Ecclestone (519) 584-5793
[email protected]
Mailing Address:
Jon Ecclestone
9 Nith River Way Ayr, ON N0B 1E0
Ayr Minor Hockey will be running the Kitchen, and will have available, Lunch & Dinner |
Raffle Table, Bake Sale, and Silent Auctions, all to help raise money for our organization.
Please complete the following application form and team roster and return to me as soon as possible with a cheque for the full amount. Please do not postdate your cheque! The first 16 entries (Applications & Fees) received for each division will be guaranteed a spot. I will notify all teams as soon as possible.
Click on this link for accommodations.
Thank you for your interest in our tournament, we look forward to hosting your team.
Remember, you MUST have an APPROVED Roster to play in the tournament.